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 Грузоперевозки и экспедирование / Информация / Морские термины (C)


Словарь морских терминов на C

CAFCurrency Adjustment Factor
CBMCubic Metres
CBFT (or CFT)Cubic Feet
CFR (or C&F)Cost and Freight
CHARTA map used by navigators
CHOPTCharterers Option
CIFCost, Insurance & Freight. Seller pays all these costs to a nominated port or place of discharge.
CKDCompletely knocked down
COAContract of Affreightment - Owners agree to accept a cost per revenue tonne for cargo carried on a specific number of voyages.
CIPCarriage and Insurance paid to...
COACPContract of Affreightment Charter Party
COBClosing of Business
COBLDNClosing of Business London
CODCash On Delivery
COGSACarriage of Goods by Sea Act
CONGESTIONPort/berth delays
C/SNEECONSIGNEE. Name of agent, company or person receiving consignment
COPCustom Of Port
CP (or C/P)Charter Party
CPDCharterers Pay Dues
CPTCarriage Paid To
CQDCustomary Quick Despatch
CRCurrent Rate
CROBCargo Remaining on Board
CRTCargo Retention Clauses, introduced by charterers based on shortage of delivered cargo because of increased oil prices
CtrContainer Fitted
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